
Welcome to the official website of Dr. Patrick Noel, a world leader in the field of bariatric surgery. With a career spanning decades, Dr. Noel has transformed the lives of thousands of patients through his expertise and commitment.

Dr. Patrick Noel – A World Leader in Bariatric Surgery

Originally from France, Dr. Noel began his journey into the world of medicine at the University of Bordeaux, where he obtained his MD. He then continued his training in general and digestive surgery at Montpellier University Hospital, gaining valuable expertise that laid the foundation for his exceptional career.

In 2015, Dr. Noel took the next step by moving to the United Arab Emirates. He introduced laparoscopic bariatric surgery to the area, a less invasive technique that offers many advantages over traditional methods. Since then, he has performed more than 10,000 surgeries, a feat that is a testament to his expertise and dedication.

Dr. Patrick Noel – Knowing Him in a Video

Book an appointment today!

If you’re ready to transform your life, don’t hesitate to make an appointment for a teleconsultation with Dr. Noel. It’s here to help you achieve your health goals and improve your quality of life.

We invite you to explore our site to learn more about Dr. Noel, his accomplishments, and how he can help you transform your life. Welcome to the world of Dr. Patrick Noel, where excellence meets innovation to create a better quality of life.

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